Nov 05

School Holiday Education Programme 2017 / 2018


We are looking forward to a whole week of Holiday Programme before Christmas. Don’t miss out. book your children now.

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School Holiday Education Programme
End Term 4 December 2017 / January 2018

During the school holidays bring your children to our amazing Education Programme where they will discover the outdoors through Farming, Nature, and Food. With Summer in full swing the children will be harvesting lots of summer fruits, and fresh foods from our gardens, learning about dairying, horse riding, and caring for bigger animals. Children of all ages can come together and be part of our Garden, Forest and Farm life. There is something to explore in every kind of weather.

Where: Teacher in the Paddock.  190a Tara Rd Papamoa Tauranga.

Dates:  Week one     Monday 18th  to Friday 22nd. December 2017
Week two     Monday 7th to Friday 12th January
Week three   Monday.15th to Friday 19th January
Week four     Monday 22nd to Friday 26th January

COST:  $50.00 per child per day.    Hours 9am – 3pm Each day.

Our Programme is now completely outdoors and children will work with and have fun within the rhythms of nature.

Horse riding is an exciting part of our Holiday Education Programme, giving the children a great sense of achievement and love for our animals.

Milking time is an all time favourite for the children. Both Janey and Amber stand so patiently, munching on molasses and hay whilst being milked.
It is a great challenge for the children being around these bigger animals.

Registrations are essential as
Numbers are Limited 
All bookings to
If you have booked but not yet paid, Please PAY HERE This will confirm your booking. Please use your child’s name as reference
Contact:      Kevin and Jane Powell  Ph. 07 54 22257 / 027 4058209
Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou.
Seek after learning for the sake of your wellbeing