An Impact Enterprise

Our Vision and Mission
To provide high quality life learning experiences for all ages that will inspire, challenge and empower, resulting in children and people with a deep respect and meaningful connection with themselves, others and the environment.
Establish a holistic teaching and learning hub that reconnects children, families and the wider community back to nature and the environment through kaitiakitanga and education.

Our Goals
Be a learning hub: Actively partner with families, community groups and other schools to facilitate outdoor learning, wetland and forest restoration, healthy eating and vegetable gardening.
Identify and partner with community projects that can be used as learning opportunities.
Be a living hub: Model, design and build learning spaces sustainably with the environment in mind.
Be a sharing hub: Work with children whose needs have not been catered for in mainstream settings.
Train volunteers to assist and use their own unique skill sets. Provide land for productive beehives and community garden to table/market initiatives.
Be a creative hub: Share music, art, science, stories and learning inspired by our natural world.
Provide a space for community connection to the natural world, through restoration and education.

Our Objectives
Learning hub: Continue teaching small groups of children and running informal workshops for adults on preparing probiotic foods and drinks and cultured foods.
Long term: To purchase land to allow more space for children and other facilitators to join us. Encourage more school visits and overnight camps. Provide a space for eco retreats, sustainable festivals and workshops.
Living hub: Plan and design structures for learning and living that are in harmony with their surroundings. (Composting toilets, yurts, tipi, solar power and other renewable energy sources.)
Sharing hub: Continue to develop our school holiday and after school programs and be open to children as a ‘one day’ a week school option.
Long term: Establish a community garden. Identify community projects to provide authentic learning experiences for children. Establish volunteer programs mentoring people in our community and provide them with positive skills to assist in the learning hub.
Creative hub: Teach Art, Storytelling, Science, Maths, Literacy and Music through nature.
Long term: Provide a space for community eco festivals, holistic retreats and workshops.

Our Flagship Programme
Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou.
Seek after learning for the sake of your wellbeing.
Kevin Powell Educator and Founder of Teacher in the Paddock
After completing a Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) as an adult student I realised that my passion was outside of the class room and that I could provide a space where children could learn about farming, food and nature. Teacher in the Paddock was born and to date it has provided a space for over 1000 children and their families to learn about the important relationship between farming, food and nature.
These powerful learning experiences enhance and link back to the curriculum in their own classrooms and schools.
I facilitate after school and holiday programmes for children of all ages, needs and abilities. I love seeing them overcome challenges while interacting with our animals. The awe and reverence they experience when we get up close to work with these creatures is inspiring and exciting.
Jane Powell Educator and Co-founder of Teacher in the Paddock
I started my learning journey through my Karitane training, after which I travelled and explored different cultures, immersing myself in their communities and food practises. I have worked as a home educator with children for over 10 years and I foster resilience in families, teaching them the basics about where their food comes from, and how to grow food in every season. I am also very passionate about Waldorf education and I share the rhythms of our daily life on the farm with the children.
Together with Kevin, Teacher in the Paddock provides a learning space where children can learn through farming, food and exploration in nature. Our aim is to foster the connection they feel to nature, through food production and working with animals.
“The children are our teachers; we just provide the space… I love that every day the children are here, I learn a new concept’
“The children just organically learn and grow, with the older children mentoring the younger ones.”